Seven Counties Services understands the importance of experiential learning. We are excited to offer a range of opportunities to help students connect what they are learning in their classes to the real world. Scroll down to learn more about the opportunities we can provide.

Several programs require their students to complete a supervised experience where they have direct contact with clients.

Doctoral Internship for Clinical or Counseling Psychology Students:
Seven Counties is part of the Jefferson County Internship Consortium (JCIC). This APPIC & APA approved internship for doctoral students in professional psychology
includes opportunities in a community mental health setting, a correctional facility, and a state hospital.

Applications for JCIC must be completed through APPIC. Requirements and deadlines are available in the APPIC Application for Psychology Internships (AAPI) Portal.

For more information about JCIC, please click here.  

Practicum/Internship for Social Work, Counseling, or Art Therapy:
Students who need to complete an applied learning experience under the supervision of a qualified professional can do so at Seven Counties. We have social workers, mental health counselors, art therapists, and marriage and family therapists. To complete this fieldwork experience, you must be actively enrolled in a program at an accredited university.
If you are interested in completing a practicum or internship at Seven Counties, please contact us at:


Looking for an applied research experience? We’ve got you covered! Contact us at to discuss the possibility of completing a project at Seven Counties. Please specify which university you are currently enrolled with as well as who is your faculty sponsor for the project in your email.


Interested in making a positive impact on your community? Consider volunteering at Seven Counties Services.  For more information about volunteering, click here.